Hilton Head Island, Bluffton, & The Surrounding SC Lowcountry
Jun 2, 2015
Looking for things to do in Bluffton and Hilton Head Island this week? Check out our blog each week for upcoming events. Information is pulled directly from the HiltonHeadIsland.Org website.
Sea Turtle Talk
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Join the Coastal Discovery Museum for an evening sea turtle lecture and beach walk. Learn all about sea turtles, loggerhead nesting on Hilton Head Island, the Sea Turtle Protection Project, and how you can help! Enjoy a fascinating indoor presentation led by a Hilton Head Island Sea Turtle Project staff member. Weather permitting, the presentation will continue onto the beach to view a protected nest site. (You will not see live Sea Turtles during this presentation).Space is limited due to DNR regulations; meeting location given out at time of reservation. Cost is $20 adult, $15 child (no children under 4). Reservations are required and may be made by calling 843-689-6767 ext. 223.
Artists of Indigo Run Exhibit
Thursday, June 4, 2015 – Sunday, July 19, 2015
Coastal Discovery Museum
The artists of Indigo Run will present their exhibit at the Coastal Discovery Museum from June 4 through July 19. Fifteen talented artists will present a variety of new 2D and 3D art works. The show features Watercolors, Oils, Acrylics, Basketry, Sculpture, Photography and Fiber Arts. Many vivid and lively works will be on display including Abstracts, Landscapes and Still Life. An opening reception is planned for June 4 from 5-7 pm, with refreshments. A.I.R. is an Indigo Run community art group consisting of 20 artists. They meet several times throughout the year to plan future exhibits and further their creative talents. The gallery is open Monday through Saturday from 9 am until 4:30 pm and Sunday from 11 am until 3 pm.
Remembering the Burning of Bluffton
Thursday, June 4, 2015 • 10 am – 5 pm
Heyward House Historic Center
The Bluffton Historical Preservation Society would like to invite you to attend a commemoration of the Burning of Bluffton that occurred on June 4, 1863. Throughout the day the Heyward House Historic Center will be having an open house; giving the community a chance to walk through the Cole-Heyward House and see what life was like during the Civil War Period. Reenactors will also be present during the day. The open house is a free event. New BHPS Director, Jeff Fulgham, will be giving a lecture at the Colcock-Teel House at 3 pm. He will be discussing his book, The Bluffton Expedition, which details the history of Bluffton during the Civil War. The lecture requires reservations to be made in advance as space is limited. The cost to attend the lecture is $7. To learn more about this event or to reserve a spot for the lecture, please call the Heyward House at 843-757-6293.
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Home Sales Hit a Record-Setting Rebound
Jul 24, 2020