Hilton Head Island, Bluffton, & The Surrounding SC Lowcountry
Apr 17, 2017
Where a commodity or service has only one price, consumers can easily shop around for the best price. In markets where there are two prices, effective shopping is more difficult.
How can a product have more than one price? If the transaction is not consummated entirely at one time but extends into the future, there can be a price to be paid now and a price that will be paid in the future. This is the case with mortgages. The price paid now is lender fees including “points,” while the price paid later is the interest rate.
Here is an example of how dual prices complicate shopping. The two quotes below apply to a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. Which of them is the better deal for the borrower?
Mortgage Quote A
Interest Rate: 4.00% Lender Fees: $4,000
Mortgage Quote B
Interest Rate: 4.25% Lender Fees: $2,000
The correct answer is that it depends on the borrower:
This is a challenging decision. Few borrowers have more than a vague idea of how long they will have the mortgage, calculating the cost accurately is beyond the capacity of most, and lenders don’t help. The Mortgage Professor Website – www.mtgprofessor.com – is a great place where a borrower can find the total cost of a mortgage over a period specified by the borrower.
When we turn to HECM reverse mortgages, the challenge is even greater because of the greater diversity in borrower objectives. In the forward market, borrowers use mortgages to buy houses and want to minimize the cost. That is it. In the reverse market, borrowers use mortgages to meet a variety of needs, each of which may involve a different objective or objectives.
For example, the borrower looking to supplement her income might select the HECM that provides the largest tenure payment – the monthly payment that lasts until she dies or moves out of the house permanently. The borrower looking to acquire a reserve for contingencies might shop for the largest initial credit line, or perhaps the line after some period of non-use during which the line grows. In both cases, the borrower interested in minimizing the loss of equity by their estate might shop for the HECM that generates the lowest loan balance after some period.
Perhaps the best head-to-head comparison of a forward and a reverse mortgage is the case where both are used to purchase a house. Where the forward purchaser seeks to minimize loan costs, the reverse purchaser might have any of the following objectives:
A senior dealing with a single reverse mortgage lender might be offered different combinations of interest rate and origination fee from which they can select, but they probably will not be offered any performance measures related to their objectives. Further, selecting from among the offerings of one lender is not “shopping.”
The difficulties in shopping effectively for HECM reverse mortgages provide a very strong case for multi-lender networks. Because they cover multiple lenders, such networks can offer shoppers more options from which to choose, and the performance measures that shoppers need to guide their selection. To my knowledge, my Kosher Reverse Mortgage Network is the only one out there.
For more information on mortgages or to shop for a mortgage in an unbiased environment, visit The Mortgage Professor at www.mtgprofessor.com
Source: Multiple Mortgage Prices Complicate Shopping For the Best Deal | The Huffington Post
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