Hilton Head Island, Bluffton, & The Surrounding SC Lowcountry
Blog, Market Mondays
Nov 18, 2015
Hey brokers! How can you successfully build your company from a small mom-and-pop shop to a successful well known real estate brokerage? Based on our own experience, it comes down to just this: “knowing your job and doing your job well”. That’s it! There is no secret, no special formula, or anything like that. All you need to do is PROPERLY IDENTIFY WHAT YOUR JOB IS and DO IT WELL.
As a real estate company that has been fortunate to have experienced significant growth, these 3 action items that we recommend be placed at the top of your daily activity list:
The Importance of Phone or Face-to-Face
Social Media is wonderful, but nothing replaces picking up the phone and talking to people. Sending an email or posting on a social media threat is not proactive, and is far less efficient than building rapport and creating person-to-person relationships. Of course, many people will utilize social media, email and other methods other than the phone or face-to-face, but they simply have less of a chance of being effective and doesn’t give you the chance to build your credibility. It is no different than the results earned by sales associates who pick up the phone or knock on doors to start conversations with buyers or sellers rather than waiting for a business to come to them.
Teach Communication Skills
The number one skill for a real estate professional is their interpersonal communication skills. If you are an independent broker, it is your duty to train your affiliated agents daily on delivering a great listing or buyer-broker presentation that builds a sense of like, trust, respect and value. Effective interpersonal communication reduces risk and persuades people to take action that has no equal.
Successful, growth oriented independent, brokers coach their sales associates on a weekly basis. As brokers, it is your job to eliminate distractions that keep sales professionals from prospecting, and run interference between the people, products, and activities that waste their time and money. Of course, you should consistently encourage them, but be willing to express the truth and hold them accountable to activities and a schedule that will allow them to grow and become successful.
Effective brokers build their business, regardless of the market. They understand and recognize that their job consists of the 3 things listed above, and they work hard everyday to do them better than their competition. Growth through hard work is NEVER a coincidence or an accident. Go forth and CONQUER!
If you want to make a little piece of The Island your own, you need more than just a road map and a REALTOR. You need a partner who can make things happen.
Home Sales Hit a Record-Setting Rebound
Jul 24, 2020